Pine is also a tree that bends without breaking

On a certain day in the autumn of 2022, a modern warrior crossed the great ocean, along with his faithful squires, and landed on the ancient continent. In the head, dreams and projects to be realized; he left behind in the New World his most faithful army. The lands where he landed had already been the scene of experiences that are lost in the dust of time, which even today echo in the present.

In the hands, not just suitcases, however, pens; these take the place of swords, which formerly were wielded or were ready in the scabbard. No longer the clinking of steel or the blood that ran along the edge of the spear, but writing, which is the greatest weapon of today. Like a lighthouse that pierces the darkness, the word cuts through human ignorance and frees consciences. No more outbursts of violence, as force is now used to break the horde of evil that prevails in the world of men and in the denser extraphysical dimensions.

In the voice, the cry proclaims the Gospel and the message of the immortality of the soul aiming at the transformation of humanity. A new world is not built without struggles. There is no victory without fights, and behold, the warrior was tested once more and now, in the same fields of yesteryear, where he lived in the past. In the face of clashes, he remained firm in the purpose he embraced, bravely facing internal and external opponents. He considered getting discouraged, however, he was driven by the squires who surrounded him, encouraging him to continue on the journey.

These were challenging days, of hard learning and also of strengthening faith. A magnetic current was also created in support of the warrior, formed by the new army of good, which is rising, here and there throughout the planet, in the face of the established battle. Once more the victory was won; the soldier straightens up again and raises his head to move forward with his projects and fulfill what was traced by the Immortals.

He emerges from the latest battle with a crest carved into his chest. It reads: “A new man cannot be built without justice and peace”.

Rodrigo Almeida
Belo Horizonte, May 2022

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