Could this be the key to our future on this planet?

At some point in our grand human pilgrimage, we separated ourselves from our divine essence, dispersing ourselves into the perfidious arms of empty progress, which persists in annihilating what remains of the sacred within us. A fundamental question arises: why have we allowed our search for the divine to be overshadowed by the incessant search for the ephemeral?

Unbridled consumerism, for example, has made us obsessed with things, disregarding the true meaning they should have. Our senses are continually bombarded with messages that promise happiness through the acquisition of unnecessary objects, exotic methods, or new beliefs. More courses, more followers, more purchases; more superficiality… “—Discover how to achieve prosperity with the infallible ancient Tibetan method to attract wealth—”, they say, trying to tire us out.

The demands are incessant: lose weight, gain muscle, discover the latest beauty launch. From the store’s warehouse to your home in 24 hours, and after unpacking, you’re already looking for the next “purchase”, because the effect of this one has already worn off. The accumulation of junk starts in your room and expands to all areas of your life , including your spiritual baggage. Perhaps this explains why people are so fascinated by the spiritual phenomenon and not by the message it brings, leaving them at the mercy of unreliable figures on the internet.

In this context, we pose a provocation: how can your life improve with less? What do we really need to live in this life and the next?

The proposal for the 2024 World Meeting

” Simplify to Survive. ” Perhaps this is the key to the future of humanity on planet Earth. And this is the path that the 2024 World Meeting will follow. An invitation to reflect on our choices and attitudes, embracing minimalism not only as a lifestyle, but as a path to spiritual elevation and the rediscovery of the sacred within us.

— Simplifysimplifysimplify —, said the Immortals. This is a year of transition, where we will innovate in a different way, as requested by the Immortals. The event space will be reduced in size, but the brilliance and impact characteristic of the World Meeting will be maintained. Simplify the infrastructure, while maintaining the quality and impact, without losing the essence, on the contrary, making everything more intimate, closer, more welcoming, more interactive and firmer in essence and purpose.

Three Spheres of Achievement

The event is divided into three spheres. The first sphere is the in-person event that will take place at Casa Palestra, located in the Santa Efigênia neighborhood in Belo Horizonte. In this sphere, the event will take place in an epic way, as people are used to. There will be only 140 people face to face with the speakers and attractions, experiencing an intimate experience. It is worth mentioning that most of these places are already filled by people who purchased tickets in advance during EM23.

The second sphere will also be in person, but in a hybrid format. Another 200 people will gather at Casa de Everilda, the place where it all began and where everything continues. There, projection with high-quality video and audio will be installed so that they can watch together, remotely. But that’s not all, as throughout the event some speakers will travel there for unique and exclusive activities for those present.

The third phase will be online, as the entire event will be broadcast live and in high resolution through our portal and for a reduced price. However, there will also be limited spaces so that we can meet the interactive activities proposed.

Let us strip away the superfluous and embrace the essential. Reduce noise, increase peace. Reduce consumption, raise consciousness. Simplify to survive and thrive. This is the call, this is the mission.

The key to our future on this planet is in our hands. Simplification is the way forward. Join us on this transformative journey and discover the power of less, which is always more.

Tickets for the 2024 World Summit

Tickets for the 2024 World Summit have been designed to reflect the event’s new hybrid structure, allowing more people to participate and benefit from the knowledge and experiences shared. There are three types of tickets available:

Guardian of the Essence: With a value of up to 10 interest-free installments of R$189.70, this ticket offers full access to the event at Casa Palestra, in Belo Horizonte, including all lectures and in-person activities. This ticket is limited to 140 people, with most of those already purchased in the 2023 pre-sale.

Guardian of Tradition: With a value of up to 10 interest-free installments of R$26.70, this ticket gives access to the live broadcast of the event at Casa de Everilda, in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. Participants will be able to watch the event on a large screen with a high-quality video and sound system and participate in exclusive activities, such as group discussion sessions. This ticket is limited to 200 people and highlights the historical importance of this place, where it all began.

Digital Visionary: For up to 10 interest-free installments of R$19.70, this ticket allows you to access the live broadcast of the event from the comfort of your home. Includes virtual participation in all lectures and access to exclusive online materials.

Important Note:  Tickets do not include participation in workshops or other additional items. These additional services will be available for purchase soon, with more details to be released in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for updates.

Join Us

The 2024 World Summit will be a transformative event, bringing together people from different parts of the world to reflect, learn and grow together. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this epic journey that seeks to simplify in order to survive and thrive. Secure your ticket and prepare for a unique experience that could change the way you see the world and live your life.

Get your ticket now and join this transformative journey!

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