“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11

Have you put on the armor of God to defend yourself against the wiles of darkness?
Are you prepared to face a spiritual battle?

For our fight is not against human beings, but against the powers and authorities, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly regions.

Therefore, it is necessary to put on the whole armor of God, so that we can withstand the battle and remain steadfast after we have done our part.

Thus, we must stand firm, girding the belt of truth, putting on the breastplate of justice, and having our feet shod with the readiness of the Gospel of Peace. Above all, we must carry the shield of faith, with which we will be able to extinguish the fiery attacks of the Evil One.

You will wear the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions, with all prayer and supplication; with this in mind, watch attentively and persevere in prayer for all the saints.

Pray also for yourself, that when he speaks, the message may be given to him so that he may fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which you are an ambassador bound in chains. 

Pray that as you stand in the battle, you will speak boldly as you are supposed to.

The text above is an adaptation of the biblical passage found in Ephesians, chapter 6.

It is a very significant message for all of us, which leads us to reflect on our responsibility as incarnates – and also as agents of guardians, for those who are.

No one should believe that they came to Earth for pleasure. If you have this romantic view that we came just to be happy, review your concepts. Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism, states that happiness is not of this world.

Each one was born with a mission and multiple challenges to overcome, whether they are:

  • Challenges in the physical scope of health;
  • Emotional challenges, in family, loving, or collective relationships;
  • Mental challenges, in the search for knowledge and liberation;
  • Financial/professional challenges, with the need for material support, which provides a good quality of life;
  • Last but not least, we have the enormous challenge of evolving spiritually.

I say enormous because, according to a survey by Datafolha, only 37% of Brazilians believe in reincarnation, and Brazil is the 3rd country where most people believe in God, so imagine the rest of the world… The percentage of incarnates aware of spiritual reality is very low, and even among these few are really awake.

The text makes it clear: “[…] our fight is not against human beings, but against the powers and authorities, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil […]”. For that, we need to put on the armor of God.

“However, in practice, what does that mean?” – You must be asking yourself.

“How can we fight against the rulers of the world of darkness?”

We, agents affiliated with the Guardians of Humanity, receive monthly exclusive training and are encouraged to put into practice what we have learned in this process of spiritual awakening.

In classes 70 and 71 of the Collegiate, the medium Marcos Leão elucidates in practice the meaning of each part of the metaphor contained in the text of Ephesians, chapter 6; those who are affiliated can now access the classes and check out the complete study.

For those who are not yet, I reproduce below some of the questions asked by Marcos, which lead us to a deep reflection of values:

Do you know what the responsibilities of an incarnate are? and an agent of the guardians?
Are you aware of the implications that your actions generate in the world?
Are we doing our part correctly?
We know and understand the urgent need to constantly improve ourselves. This is nothing new, but who is paying real attention to this?
How is your physical health?
How is your mental health?
What about your relationships and your emotions?
Your spiritual life?
Your financial and professional life?
How do you intend to help humanity without first taking care of yourself?
How to fight the forces of evil without the proper tools?
Is goodwill enough?

These are the questions that move the world, so let each one make their own reflections! Above all, count on us, from the Program, to grow together and transform the reality of our planet, starting with the transformation of our internal world. 

If you are not yet part of the Collegiate,
take the opportunity and join by clicking here.

The affiliation offers training based on the 5 pillars of human development:

  • Physical Pillar:
    The body needs to be well cared for, as it is a sacred temple and a vehicle for the manifestation of the spirit. In the classes of this collegiate pillar, you will learn how to improve your physical and energetic health.
  • Mental Pillar: 
    Developing the proper mindset is the key to all achievements. You will learn how to connect your mind with cosmic thought currents by expanding your consciousness.
  • Emotional Pillar:
    Understanding your emotions is essential for your balance and evolution. Learn the art of self-knowledge and self-control in this pillar’s classes.
  • Professional Pillar:
    You will learn what resources are needed to attract prosperity into your life. The financial aspect is essential for maintaining material life.
  • Spiritual Pillar:
    You will receive the training necessary to work side by side with the superior Guardians, expand your spiritual abilities and become a Cosmic Initiate.

In addition to the unprecedented content brought monthly by the medium Robson Pinheiro, you will have access to classes with great partners, such as Irineu Gasparetto, Mônica de Medeiros, Marcos Leão, Leonardo Möller, Coach Charles Peterson, Dr. Alexandre Serafim, Djalma Argollo, among others. Learn more by accessing the collegiate page

Our actions impact the universe, as we play an important role in society: we influence the environment around us and we are also influenced by it. Assume your mission and do not delegate responsibility for your steps to others.

We are never alone. When we commit ourselves to the sublime forces of good and light, they, in the same way, invest in us, presenting opportunities for work and learning. This is the role of the Board, and I would like to invite you to learn about our proposal by clicking here.

“The transformation of humanity begins with the transformation of the individual. ”

Come and be part of the group that grows more every day and, at all times, is doing something different, making a difference.

Count on us!

Justice and peace.

William Martins | Serving the Guardians of Humanity 

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