We are experiencing an important and transformative moment in the Collegiate of Guardians of Humanity. As announced during the online event Guardians of Humanity in Practice, we recognize the urgency of providing better support to our on-site centers in Brazil and around the world to expand our field of action, in addition to promoting greater interaction between our agents. With these goals in mind, we are beginning a new phase of reorganizing activities, and we are excited to announce that the first phase of this phase will be marked by two significant events.

These events are not just meetings. They represent the beginning of a series of changes that aim to further strengthen our mission to transform humanity through the transformation of the individual, providing unique opportunities for learning, growth – and also celebration – for our members.

Coordination Meeting of the National and International Presential Nuclei of the Collegiate of Guardians of Humanity

The first event, the Coordination Meeting of the National and International Presential Nuclei of the Collegiate of Guardians of Humanity, will take place from July 13th to 16th at our headquarters, in Minas Gerais, being an exclusive event for coordinators, with the objective of passing on guidelines and alignments for conducting and developing studies and work in on-site centers.

Programming of the Coordination Meeting of the National and International On-site Centers:

July 13 (Thursday): The first day of the event begins with a warm welcome at the Joseph Gleber Clinic from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Then, at 5 pm, we will leave for Casa de Everilda Batista, where we will participate in a Praise Service. The day’s activities are scheduled to end at 10 pm. 

July 14 (Friday): The second day will be dedicated to a specific spiritual medical treatment meeting for coordinators, which will take place from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

July 15 (Saturday): The third day will be a day with many activities, starting with guidelines and alignments for the face-to-face nuclei, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. A lunch break will take place from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (not included in the schedule) and after that, from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, we will continue with more guidelines and alignments. At 5 pm, we will have the Meeting of Parents-Velhos and Caboclos, in Aruanda de Pai João. The day’s activities will end at 21:00.

July 16 (Sunday): On the last day of the event, we will continue with the guidelines and alignments for the in-person nuclei, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, followed by the closure of activities at 1:00 pm.

First Meeting of Agents and Participants of the National and International Collegiate

The second event, the First Meeting of Agents and Participants of the National and International Collegiate, will be held from September 7th to 10th, being an event open to all participants of the Collegiate, either from on-site nuclei or from the online collegiate, with the objective of making it possible for everyone to get to know our institutions in person, a little about how our work is done and some of the people who are part of it.

Schedule of the First Meeting of Agents and Participants of National and International Collegiate Committees

September 07 (Thursday): The event begins with a warm welcome at the Joseph Gleber Clinic from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Then, at 5 pm, we will leave for Casa de Everilda Batista, where we will participate in a Praise Service. The day’s activities will end with the return to the Joseph Gleber Clinic at 10 pm. 

September 8th (Friday): On the second day, from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, there will be a service at the Joseph Gleber Clinic, similar to the Public Meeting that takes place at the Clinic, specifically and exclusively for this group.

September 9th (Saturday): The third day begins with a visit to Aruanda de Pai João, from 10 am to 12 pm. After a break for lunch, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, we will have an interaction with lectures and content with the team at the Guardiões da Humanidade HQ, with the participation of Robson Pinheiro, Leonardo Moller, Elaine Pinheiro, Marcos Leão, among others, from 2:00 pm to 6 pm. The day’s activities will end at 6 pm.

September 10 (Sunday): On the last day of the event, we will continue with the interaction with lectures and content with the team at the Guardians of Humanity HQ, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, followed by the closing of activities at 1:00 pm.

Important Notes:

For both events, it is necessary to contact Elaine Pinheiro directly to confirm your participation. Elaine is available to answer any questions you may have and to assist with the booking process. You can contact her at +55 31 991362425.

Please note that the schedule for both events may change up to the day of the event. If there are any changes, we will inform you in advance. In addition, participation in some activities is completely optional. The program does not include an overnight stay or food at the Joseph Gleber Clinic. We will have a cafeteria working full time with options for snacks and meals at the venue.

For the Coordination Meeting, booking confirmation must be made by June 15th, and for the First Agent and Participants Meeting, confirmation must be made by August 2nd. Please note that we have a limited number of participants for both events and confirmation is subject to availability.

We look forward to seeing you all at these events. It will be an amazing opportunity to learn, grow and celebrate together!

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