“ THERAPY: any method that aims to discover the causes and symptoms of physical, psychic or psychosomatic problems and, through appropriate treatment, restore the health and well-being of the patient.” ( Michaelis Online Dictionary, 2021)

Living amid a scenario as troubled and challenging as it is today, it is not uncommon to find people driven by pain, anguish, anger, discouragement, or even depression. Forbes magazine reports that Brazil was already, according to the World Health Organization, among the countries with the highest anxiety rate even before the pandemic, when Covid-19 arrived to make matters worse.

In parallel with this current reality — and probably for a long time to come —, we see an exponential growth in interest in integral health, which addresses the physical, mental, and emotional issues of the human being. The search for therapists increased by 400% during the pandemic, according to the largest hiring site in the country, GetNinjas, which also adds that this scenario has affected the mental health of the general population, including those who have not been infected.

Humanity needs shelter and healing, warns Robson Pinheiro!

This article aims to clarify important tools for those who wish to welcome, are already dedicated to healing, or want to start offering effective solutions for people’s health.


You must have heard that psychological and emotional problems can cause physical illness, right? The opposite can also happen: changes in our body can lead to psychological complications, such as depression and anxiety. That’s where integrative medicine comes in, which takes care of all areas of the patient as an individual.

So, this approach seeks to integrate all the influences that can affect the human being: physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental. This means that, when the patient appears at the office with some symptoms, various factors are analyzed, such as mind and spirit, regardless of whether the initial complaint is physical or psychological.

As in integrative medicine, integrative therapies and psychobioenergetics encompass the individual as a whole. These techniques aim to provide more quality of life by promoting balance, well-being, and harmony, improving the immune system and self-esteem, as well as unlocking limiting ideas and beliefs, thus increasing the person’s quality of life, among countless other benefits.

Magnetism, bioenergetics, hypnotherapy and neurolinguistic programming are examples of integrative therapeutic practices. 


In 2017, magnetism — or the practice of laying on of hands, a term adopted by the Ministry of Health — became part of the SUS as a consolidated modality in the National Policy for Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC), currently present in 3,173 municipalities, covering 88% establishments dedicated to primary care.

Of the various treatments used for bioenergetic rebalancing, magnetism is one of the resources that has contributed the most, very effectively, in helping those who seek integral health, as reported by Joseph Gleber in the book Medicina da alma, psychographed by the hands of Robson Pinheiro. The author refers to animal magnetism or mesmerism, a technique developed by the German physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), according to which living beings are endowed with a magnetic fluid with healing powers, capable of being transmitted from one body to another. by contact or physical proximity.

Still, according to Joseph Gleber, this powerful energy can act in the electromagnetic reconstitution of the spiritual body, or perispirit, as well as the vital body, or etheric double. This method can be employed using anything from the simple imposition of hands to various techniques developed by eminent magnetizers of the past.

Longitudinal passes, or large currents, for example, when applied in the region of the central nervous system and cerebral cortex, with a view to organic balance, tend to destroy parasites and astral larvae that may be attached to this delicate region, where the energies of the two planes of life interact. Likewise, when applied to the forehead, they produce beneficial results on the psyche, unblocking the energy channels through which the divine element circulates – cosmic energy or prana, for the Hindus –, which irrigates the energetic physiology of human beings.

Rotating passes administered on the different chakras, with the proper knowledge, can infuse them with the revitalizing fluids responsible for their harmonious functioning, according to each one’s needs. Thus, when the chakras are momentarily paralyzed by imbalances generated by man, such passes can awaken the energetic fulcrums for their sacred activities.

Ministered over the crown, the superior energy starts to penetrate the interior cosmos, irrigating all the chakras harmonically. It promotes, in this way, the vibrational elevation of these energetic centers, which will start to function as dynamos generating divine energy.

In time, it is important to point out that the magnetism used in the curing processes, in the magnetic passes, is not of the same nature as the magnetism that is observed in the magnet and other materials. Joseph Gleber clarifies that:

In the plane of fluids, or astral dimension, it is common to have a matter that vibrates more intensely than in the physical plane, and this astral matter, we can say, is basically fluid, different from the matter of the physical plane, and of magnetic character, being easily molded by the action of the mind, through thought.

The existence of this electromagnetic plane in nature may, in the future, be appreciated by science, and its sources, and used in greater amplitude by my fellow scientists and therapists.

As it is made up of fluids that vibrate in different states of existence, the magnetism peculiar to this astral matter and used in healing processes, after the transformations it undergoes, is not the same magnetism that attracts iron filings, but continues being a magnetic force, although on another vibratory scale, acting in a process of harmony in all manifestations of energy or fluids, when channeled towards the health of the human being, producing bioelectric fields that activate the chakras, the set of plexuses and the entire circulatory system of the physical body. This property of the magnetic fluid also explains the action of homeopathic and flower remedies, in their intimate relationship with the most subtle bodies. ( Robson Pinheiro. Medicine of the Soul, 1997, p. 197-198)


Just as today’s official sciences resulted from the evolution of thought and theories applied by other branches of knowledge, the so-called integrative therapies also evolved and were structured from many other observations in different areas. Based on material derived from ancient experiences expressed in certain scientific truths, integrative and psychoenergetic approaches are today the result of many hypotheses raised, research carried out and considerations issued under the auspices of modern science or even older disciplines.

We can say, with full conviction, that all sciences advance every day, based on theories and hypotheses formulated and tested by thinkers from different eras. It is no different about integrative therapy, and many of its approaches, or strands, are gradually gaining value and recognition among other scientific schools. Structured in the so-called parasciences and manifestations of energy, however, without neglecting scientific advances and laboratory discoveries, psychobioenergetics also emerges as a field worthy of credit.

For this new discipline, of integrative therapies, energy is one of the common denominators of all phenomena, even if they escape its scope of investigation. This is the case of the rich mediumistic and paranormal phenomenology, which, although it can be approached by the new science and even sheltered in its postulates, is part of an even broader one: the science of the spirit. Therefore, for integrative or psychoenergetic therapy and other subdisciplines that eventually arise or are being developed, unexplored phenomena of immense and indisputable richness, whether physical or non-physical, deserve a special place, always focusing on the energetic, transpersonal being.

According to Robson Pinheiro, in his book Energia, Paracelso called this energetic reality, or psychobioenergy, archaeo; Francisco Racanelli presented it under the name of bioradiant energy; among Hindus, it was known as acasa; by the Hebrews, as aor; physio-nuclear energy and formative energy, according to Paul Kammerer. They are examples among many others that brilliantly described and cataloged it over the centuries.

In this sense, it is up to the new integrative discipline to disseminate and use, on an even broader scale, what was already known, perceived, and conceived by an immense number of scholars and scholars. Only very recently in the post-scientific revolution human history has the human energetic reality been recognized, even if not officially, but unveiled and researched by a large group of scholars, who bridge the gap between modern scientific discoveries and current knowledge. brought from the remote ages of humanity.

Finally, the reality of bioenergy, or psychobioenergetics, is increasingly recognized and explored by different schools, in different latitudes of the planet, even by exponents of traditional medicine, as well as in the treatments of the so-called emerging sciences.


Psychobioenergetics also encompasses, as mentioned, the psychological and emotional, mental, and behavioral areas.

In the eagerness to establish your personal goals, your objectives, and your achievements, it is useful to remember that any achievement in life is primarily due to an individual decision, resulting from allowing yourself to enjoy something good for yourself. Another essential factor that comes into play is the so-called motivation. Achieving goals and targets as a result of one’s efforts is possible, but one always has to ask the question: what kind of personal pleasure will this bring to my life?

You will be more likely to fight for your goals and objectives, and more willing to allow yourself to experience positive results exactly at the moment when pleasure and satisfaction are, in every sense, admitted as intimate participants in your projects. Then, yes, there will be a strength to continue on the journey and elaborate on each step in search of what you want.


Most of the time, energy therapies alone are not capable of restoring the damage caused to the physical and emotional bodies of individuals – as with any therapy, by the way. Therefore, it is highly recommended to associate energizing and bioenergetic transfer techniques with conventional treatments, without neglecting the progress made by medicine and traditional science. It is emphasized, then, that the integrative and psycho-bioenergetic methods, at least for the time being, are complementary to conventional methodologies, and not substitutes for medical science.


“Hypnotherapy is the set of techniques that induce the person to reach a heightened state of consciousness, which allows changing unwanted behaviors.” ( Ministry of Health, PICS, accessed on 03/27/2021)

The application of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool — or hypnotherapy, in the terms adopted by the Ministry of Health — is also consolidated in the National Policy for Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC), adopted by SUS in 2017.

According to Thiago Porto, an internationally recognized hypnotherapist, hypnosis is the ability to access a deeper layer of the mind (called the subconscious) and thus have access to all the mental programs that exist there. According to Porto, before broadening the understanding of what hypnotherapy is, it is important to understand how this access is made and observe the benefits of working in this layer, mainly, how a person’s life can improve from this.

1. First, we need to understand the human mind, which is where hypnosis works:

– The mind is a representation of our brain.

– The brain is a machine for producing synapses.

– Synapses are mental programs that determine our behaviors, both those that are good for us and those that are bad for us (compulsions, fears, sadness, discouragement, anger, etc.).

– A person’s behavior, that is, the way he behaves in a given situation, is what determines success or failure in his life.

2. Next, to understand the mind, let’s divide it into 3 layers; It is important to point out that hypnosis only works on the subconscious.

Conscious: stores mental programs that are perceived and controlled: willpower, logical, rational, analytical, and critical thoughts. It consists of all behaviors, desires that a person can control, for example, when you decide whether or not to answer a call from an unknown number on your cell phone or what clothes to wear on your day… desire not to answer the phone calling and you control the end of the story (if you answer or not); you notice the desire to wear one outfit or another and decide which one to choose (whatever the decision criterion may be, because it matches better with the day’s agenda because the weather forecast is determining it, or rationally because you want to.)

Subconscious: it stores deeper mental programs, which are perceived but not controlled: basically, emotional programs, habits… and would like not to feel this emotion – which causes harm – but cannot change the end of the story and change the emotion they feel, even knowing that it is harmful, this person is dealing with subconscious mental programming.

Unconscious: it stores even deeper mental programs, which are not perceived or controlled: mental programs that take care of health, and physiology. For example, while you’re reading this text, your nails are growing, your hair is growing (maybe), and your immune system is fighting some inflammation out there… You certainly don’t realize and don’t control these actions, but believe me: there are synapses in your mind making it happen.

3. Now, we need to understand what attention is.

There are several natural systems at work in the mind, and one of them is the attention system. Consider that everyone has an allotment of 100% attention to use and that allotment is distributed between the conscious and subconscious layers. The more attention we dedicate to one of these layers, the more resources will be available ( conscious: logical reasoning, learning, analytical, critical thinking, willpower, etc. / subconscious: emotional control, behaviors, habits, desires, etc. ) and more consumption of energy (glucose*) will be in this layer.

* When a mental programming is activated, that is, a synapse is activated, the brain burns glucose, which is available in the blood as a source of energy.

In most of an adult’s day, we can consider that his attention quota is divided into about 80% for the conscious layer and 20% for the subconscious. That’s because adult life responsibilities require more attention to conscious functions: reasoning, thinking, and criticizing. Thus, with less attention paid to the subconscious, we can control/access fewer functions of this layer, generally enough for internal dialogues.

4. Finally, hypnosis:

Hypnosis is the ability to transfer more attention to the subconscious layer in a controlled manner. That simple. And several physiological systems allow this transfer, such as stress/overload of the nervous system, relaxation, breakdown of rational patterns, etc.

When a person transfers more attention to the subconscious, he has more access to the resources of this layer. Consequently, they have less access to conscious resources during the time of hypnosis, but they never become unconscious.

Therefore, hypnotherapy can help with emotional reprogramming, trauma, unwanted behavior, and memory regression, in addition to treating psychosomatic symptoms.


Have you ever stopped to think about how your brain works? How do you learn, how do you make choices? Why do you get emotional, get into conflicts, sabotage yourself? Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) seeks to answer these and other questions.

In short, NLP is an area of ​​knowledge that is based on understanding our neurology, language, psychology, and anthropology to understand our mental programming. This means that NLP brings resources to understand how the human being works and relates to act within these precepts.

The NLP practitioner, first of all, assimilates the philosophy of NLP. This allows you to better deal with your own processes, with emotional intelligence and self-knowledge. When relating with other people, the NLPist uses NLP to understand the structure of the other person, as a whole or for a specific context.

Furthermore, the application of NLP involves several techniques to help resolve conflicts.

NLP is indicated for anyone looking for resources to deal with their own processes and get along well with anyone. It is very useful knowledge for anyone who wants to understand people’s ingenious strategies and replicate them, as well as understand the situations that lead to conflicts and how to resolve them.

NLP can be added to any professional line — that’s why we deal with it here —since we all need to manage ourselves and get results from other people. From managers, supervisors, salespeople, and HR professionals to psychologists, therapists, doctors, lawyers, and teachers, everyone can benefit from the knowledge and methods of NLP.

There are many “maps” that try to explain how human beings work. NLP is broader than that, because, considering the analogy of systems that present maps, it can be said that NLP seeks to teach cartography. After all, neurolinguistic programming is a very effective tool for understanding yourself, other individuals, and society as a whole.

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