Hello, friends and comrades whose ideals converge for world peace,

I salute you on behalf of the Guardians of Humanity.

We have reached a historic moment, in which we can no longer hide at home or inside our temples. Humanity, our world, needs and requires the participation of all of us who have already awakened to the reality of a life beyond the borders of matter.

We neither need nor advocate taking sides in this insane war! What is certain is that human suffering is exuding an enormous amount of ectoplasm into the psychic atmosphere of the planet.

The Covid-19 pandemic was not enough to awaken humanity. And we are still far from learning from the impacts that are certainly on the way.

But we are no longer spiritual children… We are not ignorant of the repercussions of war, nor can we exempt ourselves from actively participating in the ongoing conflict in Europe, with forecasts by geopolitics experts to spill over into a nuclear conflict, or even a third great war.

However, we must also not forget that Christ watches over the destiny of humanity, nor that none of us is exempt from his responsibility to defend peace, regardless of the sides involved in the conflict.

For this reason, I call out to you, to men of goodwill, to members of the Collegiate of Guardians of Humanity, wherever you are, spread across different countries. This is a call to participate as agents of the sovereign forces of life!

Several non-governmental and, at the same time, humanitarian entities and organizations are working with a focus on alleviating human pain and suffering on the borders of Ukraine and in several countries. Never seen such a large number of people here, in Europe, getting involved with humanitarian issues, putting aside unproductive debates, and placing themselves as agents of mercy among those who suffer.

So we need to do our part too!

When I made a call for help during the rains and storms that devastated many cities in Minas Gerais, the response was impressive and quick. So now I ask for help, on behalf of the legions of Guardians, on behalf of the teams of Samaritans, on behalf of those who suffer, for you to participate with me. We have already moved a huge number of people here, in Europe, to help, between businessmen and ordinary people, housewives and people of goodwill.

It’s time to participate on a global level! Our focus now is the planet Earth, not just Minas Gerais or the city of Sabará alone.

We are working to avoid a war of great and serious proportions. We are fighting to help those who suffer and are hardest hit in this inhuman war.

You must make prayer groups in your homes, and spiritual support groups. We need to pray and pray long and often.

Once again, I am asking you to send funds to the institutions that are helping on the battlefields and in the refugee camps. We need to buy food, water, medicine, and hospital supplies. To date, more than 1.5 million people have left their country, in the biggest exodus in Europe since World War II. And we are waiting for at least 5 million refugees in the face of events in Eastern Europe.

Therefore, we ask for your help, your participation, and your action. Call people you know, business people, anyone you know who can help. We need to bring together people who do their part, who help as much as they can and however, they can.

We, who participate in the Guardians of Humanity project, are called to act, to contribute, to do our part. Come and participate in this movement of agents of mercy and justice, helping in the processes experienced by our planet at this time. You can do your part, you can help us by helping those who suffer, to alleviate the cruel pain that affects thousands of people.

God is with us always! Justice and peace in the name of the Guardians of Humanity.

Robson Pinheiro

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