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“The loftiest forest
grew from tiny seeds
in communion.”
Hello, my people! It’s been some time since we haven’t seen each other.
Today I need to look into your eyes and talk to you, good man, good woman. You have already looked into other people’s eyes and could see that many of your fellow people suffer and that many of these need a gesture from you, the gesture of extending your hands.
I am Robson Pinheiro, medium, author of 47 books, whose copyrights are granted for the maintenance of social and educational works in non-profit institutions, founded by me in Minas Gerais, institutions that currently cause social impact and benefit thousands of families.
From the moment we received this mission from the hands of a great good man, Chico Xavier, we started our journey of humanitarian support without limitations of borders, in the practice of an independent spirituality, and in the support of those who need care.
Over the past 30 years, we have worked bravely in founding and maintaining spiritualist, therapeutic and educational institutions that fly the flag of human promotion and that are in full operation, with open doors to welcome anyone who needs them.
More bluntly, for 10 years we have been engaged in training free thinkers and in disseminating the ideas of social and spiritual responsibility towards all humanity, providing social and moral support in the joint integration of human promotion with quality and, at the same time, in the liberation of the social dependence of the people who are supported, rescuing them to the condition of productive citizens, free and integrated into society.
Our project is comprehensive… There are many work fronts on which we operate.
We are convinced that the transformation of humanity begins with the transformation of the individual. Therefore, our project extends to assisting and welcoming children and adults in a state of social, emotional, and spiritual vulnerability; disseminating state-of-the-art spiritual knowledge free of charge on the world wide web; forming and train free thinkers who are instrumentalized and qualified to make a difference in society; and even the contact and sensitization of leaders and local and world leaders, aiming at the dissemination of a new mentality, sensitizing them in the face of social responsibilities in the spiritual context of planet Earth.
Anyone who thinks this is my work is wrong. All these actions are only possible thanks to the help of good friends, thanks to the help of good people like you!
You, my friend, my friend, who even as a newcomer to this great project directed by the Immortals, are already helping to multiply all these actions.
Also, you who, from time to time, leave, but then end up re-approaching work.
And to you, my great friend, who arrived way back when I founded the first of the institutions, – and even after – but who remains firm until today, giving true testimony of the transformation that this project promotes in people’s lives, in society, and the planet.
Currently, together, we can serve more than two thousand people weekly, in our face-to-face activities. We also managed to directly impact 12,000 people a week through our activities over the Internet.
As Everilda Batista, my mother said through the hands of Chico Xavier: “I didn’t say it would be easy, my son, I just said it was worth it.” Well, I think she was right!
Like many, we face a serious crisis. Still, we are managing to maintain our activities, even if it is hard. And we want to improve – we even need to – to expand our ability to help, whether on the social work front, on the human promotion front, or even on the educational work front.
For this, I want to count on your help!
Together, we will be able to improve and expand the reach of UniSpiritus institutions. Together, we will exponentially expand the activities of the Collegiate of Guardians of Humanity in Brazil.
I know we are capable because, even in this long period in which I had to step away from public life to take care of my health, at no time did any of these institutions stop working. On the contrary, each individual, each nucleus, following the instructions received from the spirits – or even mine, who never stopped working from a hospital bed – managed, together, to keep the cogs of this great wheel of life turning.
The time has come, once again, together, to take another quantum leap in the quality of the work we represent.
As Teresa of Calcutta once said, through my hands in the book The Eternal Force of Love “A powerful medicine is the attitude of deciding, doing, taking risks, getting up, walking, building; not waiting, but acting in time, performing your part at the right time, instead of passively waiting for God’s help […]. It is this kind of optimism that I argue is a very powerful medicine for the progress of all of us in the world.”
Well then, my friend, we are a group of people who undertake human promotion and who, to continue, each new seed counts, each action accentuates, and each donation multiplies. And we can do much more.
Like trees, together we are stronger, with firm roots, surviving any storm, and more: sheltering under our canopy a multitude of needy people who count on our perseverance.
Seeds of Humanity