What is mediumship? Discover the types, how to develop it, and its spiritual purpose
Mediumship is the ability to perceive and communicate with non-physical consciousness, meaning to interact with spirits. Perhaps that is why this topic arouses so much curiosity.
What is mediumship and how does it work?
Mediumship is not an exclusive gift for a select few. In fact, every human being has the potential for mediumship. This happens because, in addition to our physical body, we have a spiritual body that interacts with different planes of existence.
Some people experience spontaneous perceptions from an early age, while others develop their abilities over time through study and practice.
What are the main types of mediumship?
There are different types of mediumship, which vary according to the way in which the medium relates to the spirits. Each medium can manifest different forms of spiritual perception. Among the most common are:
Clairvoyance Mediumship
Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive non-physical entities, energies, or events beyond ordinary human vision. Some clairvoyant mediums see spirits as clearly as they see a living person, while others perceive them in a more subtle way, through mental images or flashes of light. This ability can also manifest as precognition—visions of future events—or retrocognition, where past events are revealed through spiritual insight. Clairvoyance plays a crucial role in spiritual guidance, as it allows the medium to interpret energetic patterns and provide insight into the unseen dimensions.
Auditory Mediumship
Also known as clairaudience, this type of mediumship allows a person to hear voices, sounds, or messages from spiritual entities. These messages may come in different forms: some mediums hear them externally, as if someone is physically speaking, while others receive them internally, through mental impressions. Often, auditory mediums serve as intermediaries, delivering guidance, warnings, or teachings from spiritual beings. This ability requires a high level of discernment, as not all messages received are necessarily beneficial. Proper training helps the medium develop clarity and responsibility in interpreting what they hear.
Psychography (automatic writing)
Psychography is the practice of writing messages dictated by spiritual entities, either consciously or unconsciously. Some mediums enter a trance-like state, allowing a spirit to control their hand movements, while others receive mental impressions and translate them into written words. This type of mediumship has been used throughout history to produce profound spiritual literature, including books, letters, and personal guidance. It is considered one of the most verifiable forms of mediumship, as messages often contain information unknown to the medium, later confirmed as accurate.
In addition to these, there are many other types, such as physical effects mediumship, healing mediumship, and incorporation.
Each medium can present one or more types of abilities, and it is possible to develop them with time and study. Therefore, it is essential to understand that mediumship is not an end in itself, but a means to spiritual growth.
How to know if you have mediumship?
If you feel highly sensitive to energies, experience strong intuitions, or have had vivid or premonitory dreams, you may be manifesting mediumship.
Want to know if you are a medium? Read this article and discover common signs of mediumship!
Is mediumship a gift, or can it be developed?
Although some people are naturally more sensitive, anyone can develop mediumship with study, practice, and proper guidance.
According to The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec, mediumship should be exercised with responsibility and a higher purpose.
Purposes and responsibilities
Getting in touch with other planes, inhabited by entities that are our sisters in essence, makes it possible to learn lessons of love, wisdom, and charity. Mediumship also promotes a better understanding of our own spiritual nature and our purpose in life.
This is why mediumship must be exercised with responsibility, respect, and humility, always seeking the good and the truth. This is an experience that can be experienced in countless ways by different individuals. Each person is unique in their spiritual journey, and finding the path that makes the most sense for you is essential.
The importance of mediumship for spiritual growth
Mediumship is not an end in itself but a means for learning and helping others. It can provide:
- A deeper understanding of spiritual life
- The development of charity and love for others
- A stronger connection with spirituality
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How to study and develop your mediumship safely
To learn more about this fascinating topic, we recommend books on spiritism, especially The Book of Mediums, by Allan Kardec. If you want to develop your mediumship, look for a serious and reliable spiritist center to guide and support you on this journey.
Remember: mediumship is a divine blessing that must be used for the good of all.
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