I have been working as a therapist for over 30 years, precisely since 1985. Over these decades in the office, I have come across numerous situations that challenge both orthodox and holistic knowledge. I found different types of syndrome, altered states of consciousness, as well as psychic, sleep, and personality disorders, often confused with obsessions, not to mention chemical dependency. After years of dedication to the study of the cases presented in the office, and also at the Joseph Gleber Holistic Clinic, where I work and of which I am founder and president, I concluded that many of them would not have been solved — at least not as quickly and efficiently — without approaching the energetic aspects with the aid of the apometric technique.
When the possibility arose of adopting apometry in a therapeutic context, I noticed that the consultants submitted only to the techniques that it provides in the fluidic and animic fields — but restricting themselves to the energetic aspect, therefore, without spiritual intercurrences, such as trance and incorporation — were able to access memories obscure or latent, for example. By combining magnetism techniques with knowledge of apometry, we achieved interesting results, as those assisted were induced to make contact with the domains of the unconscious to then re-elaborate remembered facts and thus establish a new existential program.
Apometry is a technique or a set of techniques whose application allows, above all and in general lines, to streamline mediumistic meetings with varied objectives.
I remember one case in particular, very picturesque, resolved in just one session. As the consultant did not return, I heard the news about her progress through her husband, who contacted me a few times after the appointment.
The complaint presented by the woman was the recurrent urge to smoke crack, for no apparent reason, given the social context and lifestyle he led. Besides, the only experience she’d ever had with an illicit drug had been a bad one; she had suffered from nausea, vomiting, and all kinds of discomfort. Nevertheless, the momentum persisted. After the anamnesis, we started the technique without much fuss or preparation, as I would prefer to do. I simply asked her to concentrate and slowly counted backward from the querent’s age, at the time 40 years old. As the numbers decreased, every five or ten years I asked about what I felt and the scenes eventually observed. We proceeded without relevant data until the ages corresponding to childhood, when I slowed down the count even further, continuing to emit apometric pulses aimed at the mental body,
When we got to number 7, she related a remarkable scene. Suddenly, she claimed to see herself opening the door of a certain room, inside which she caught her mother and older brother laughing, intoxicated by some drug they were smoking. The astonishment of both was no greater than the scare of the girl, who ran around the house. When questioned about how the child felt, the consultant immediately began to cry, which did not prevent her from remaining cohesive and realizing that it was necessary to reframe the episode. I made a point of checking if she remembered the scene before that moment, but the definitive answer was: “No”.
New commands were given to the mental body, with questions that led to the formulation of other memories, of a positive nature, to supplant the traumatic memory. When the consultant envisioned happy childhood scenes and became emotionally involved with them — to the point of suddenly going from convulsive tears to uncontained laughter — we coupled both memories, equally appealing to the apometric technique. Finally, she brought the image of the child into the present, as if sponsoring the encounter, in the office, of the 7-year-old girl with the 40-year-old adult.
As soon as I ended the therapeutic intervention, the woman fell to the ground, as she had remained standing during the process. After I helped her get back on her feet, she stated that she felt great, that she was a different person and had a lot to be thankful for. In later reports that she gave me, her husband informed me that, led to everyday circumstances similar to those that provoked in him the desire to take drugs, she would then begin to smile. Asked about the reason for the laughter, she alluded to good childhood memories involving her mother and brother.
The cases have multiplied over the years, and more recently, in the face of the crisis that the country and the world have been going through, I received people who were deeply worn out, revitalized, and even vampirized. For them, the energy resource provided by apometry consists, above all, in the formation of force and self-defense fields, with the advantage that it is possible to teach the consultants themselves to maintain and strengthen these apparatuses through commands. I could see that many of them achieved a better quality of life, having reported beneficial and quick repercussions on their mental, physical, and emotional structures.
In my practice in the office, I use the diagnostic method of bioelectrography systematically, to verify the results obtained in the vibrational field and also in the emotional sphere. Therefore, in addition to my impressions, this resource reiterates the value of apometric techniques applied in the office, which open up rich possibilities for approaching human problems.
Discover the course
It was based on experiences like these that we created the Master in Apometry program — a training course that I teach together with Leonardo Möller and guests. Module 8 focuses exclusively on this aspect: how therapeutic practice in the office can be improved by introducing the apometric technique. I feel safe and satisfied knowing that the reflections proposed and the questions taught in the classes are not just theoretical but stem from years and years of achievement. This solid experience was accumulated both in meetings of an extraphysical assistance nature and in my professional practice, in which I assist consultants through the method I called Mental and Emotional Reprogramming, something I also share in the Master in Apometria, recommended for all those who propose to study the subject more deeply.
Robson Pinheiro | Serving the Guardians
Medium, writer, therapist, and creator of the Guardians of Humanity program